Wednesday, 13 May 2009

This is at Coombe Woods near Street, Somerset.
I love this style of flower photography! There's a certain calming feeling about plant photos where the stalk gradually merges into the background before it reaches the lower edge of the image frame. By using f8 to f11 at about three feet the depth of field is around pretty good at between 12mm to 16mm, yet still allows all else to go out of focus. There were a few strands of grass which needed trimming and a thistle prickling my behind, even though I was wearing a boilersuit!
Canon 400D, 28 - 200 lens, F8, 800ISO, 1/250th sec. Why did I use 800ISO? I can't stand using a tripod, too restrictive. I was lying down on my side with camera about two inches off the ground. Without a tripod I'm only there a couple of minutes, whereas a tripod would have added another thirty minutes to each picture. Meanwhile the sun is on its way down, fast!

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